Too blessed to be stressed.

"Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting. It means the memories last, even if contact is lost" 

Friendship is a bond that brings people together no matter how long they know each other and building a love-hate r/s with some.
As the saying goes, treat others how you want to be treated. So be blessed and treasure the people around you. 
Personally, my friends usually have to deal with me not replying messages, rejecting hangouts at times and my craziness when i'm with them but they still stood by me and never give up on me. My childhood friends whom i'm still in contact with for more than 10 years make me feel very appreciative that they have tolerated most of my nonsense and for always being there for me. 
Introvert side of me > not reaching out to others first and only have daily conversations with people i like
Extrovert side of me > being bubbly and communicating with anyone


True friends are hard to find, so treasure everyone around you!
With loads of love,
Jana's. ت