
 Beyond Disney Princesses: Best Live Action Fairytale Films for the ...

”Remember, you’re the one who can fill the world with sunshine”

If your life was a fairytale, what kind of story would you write?

fictional or non-fictional, 

so let's rewrite the stars.

what are some of your favourite memories?

Sometimes, even the smallest action can take up a big space in your heart, when someone remembers the slightest thing about you, or show you some appreciation that makes you open your heart. Everyone you meet always has a reason, some stands by your side through thick and thin, while some just want to watch you fail. But, there's a trait in them that you will not forget, surprisingly, some people you never thought will be close to, are actually the ones who support you.

If I would express my life in a story, deem it as Cinderella.

Cinderella GIFs | Tenor

“My heart has wings and I can fly. I’ll touch every star in the sky. So this is the miracle I’ve been dreaming of.”

Even though being taken advantage for most of the times, but still being very humble and willing to go the extra mile and showcase the best in oneself. And in the end, do not need to put a fight against the sisters to win the heart of the prince. Sometimes, what's yours will always be. Even though life may be unfair to you and feel not worth it, but what if you put in some effort? 

In every fairytale, there's a lesson taught. So keep growing becos' why not? 

  • Try something new everyday
  • Always read first before signing your life away
  • Trust your instinct, Be Kind, and Listen to your heart