

/Failure is the road to success/

Having a goal in life is important to become stronger and charge forward to what you want to achieve. 

Sometimes, wondering if dreams will ever come true because dreams are always opposite of reality which is why some of us love to be in our own tiny world and evade the cruel truth but it is something that all of us have to go through. Because how long can you really hide? 

It's time to showcase never give up spirit - DARE. I'll never feel satisfied with what I have, I'll gamble with my life Anyway I'm not afraid to lose I'll not accept my fate. Fight with your willpower for the dreams and aim to achieve the desired outcome change, your destiny as it is in your own hands.

Every experience gained in life may be beneficial as a form of self-improvement and reflection as people will grow and learn to be tougher while understanding that it is parts and parcel which may be blissful at times. It helps to set your goal higher and reaching your expectation but still have to stick to your own principals even if you desire to climb higher and not be greedy or it may backfire.

Motivation and moral support from your loved ones is also essential in difficult times as you will know who really stands by your side without expecting any return. Always have the mindset that you can overcome all obstacle thrown your way. When your career is successful, never forget those that helped and encourage you. 

what's your dream? it does not have to be big it can be simply small but not be easy to reach or just doing something you really like. always know that if you think what you're doing is your passion you may not be wrong even if you might not get support who knows if the ending will be good? 

Even if unsure of what your talent or interest, take the time to explore as it is not too late to start finding the passion and let it lit, ignite the fire in you and show the world what you can do especially for those that always look down on you. Don't compare with people as you are always fighting against yourself and not others to become a better you and keep improving. 

As there a saying "love yourself before others will love you", be proud of your achievements and keep striving for the best. Sometimes when you think you are the worst, there might be people doing better or even worse than you think so just concentrate about your own.

/you only live once and it's all for yourself/ willpower motivation come!

-Dreams may come true as long as you continue to pursue it in the right way and with all your might-